Try this tasty medieval bread recipe that you can do at home.
Wheat was the number one food source in the medieval period. Evidence for the use of flour in order to make bread could be monitored way back millennium ago.
The Hulk vessel was invented in the early medieval period - it was a sea craft that is known as the predecessor of the more advanced carrack and carvel vessels.
A Knarr was a vessel used for cargo storage - it was a cargo ship that had a wide hull and was deeper and shorter than the standard longship. The reason for this was for it to store more cargo and for much smaller crews to operate it.
Amazing facts about the Roman Empire, including the naming of the colosseum, the taxing of urine, and the worst punishments that were handed out to criminals.
Ships were an important part of Viking society, not only as a means of transportation but also for the prestige that it conferred on her owner and skipper.