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Saturday, February 15, 2025

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The 7 Most Remarkable Renaissance Religious Paintings You Should Know About

The Renaissance period held many great artists, many of them focused on religion as their main theme, while many were commissioned by the head...

Detailed Animation Showing the Brutal History of Poland

Starting from the medieval period, Poland played a significant role in the history of Europe. The history of Poland starts with the big migrations...

The Lost Art of Rune Inscription | Fascinating Viking Runestones

Remnants of Scandinavia’s Viking past are scattered throughout the countryside of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Among the most intriguing are the stones covered in...

5 Things You May Not Know or Were Misinformed About Marie-Antoinette

Marie Antoinette, the 15th child of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and the powerful Habsburg empress Maria Theresa, was born in Vienna, Austria, in...

The Way Sexual Acts Were Treated In The Medieval Ages Will Make You Feel Free Today

We can all agree that sex is pretty awesome. But, alas, it wasn't always this way. In the past, sex was seen, at best,...

Historical Profiles

Maria Theresa, The Last Emperor From the Habsburg House - The Biggest Family in the World

Maria Theresa, The Last Emperor From the Habsburg House – The...

Maria held the following titles: Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Transylvania, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands and Parma. Plus by marriage, she was Duchess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Holy Roman Empress.
Catherine The Great - The First Woman to be Called "The Great"

Catherine The Great – The First Woman to be Called “The...

Catherine came from German heritage.  She had a disturbing childhood, but her family pulled the right strings, and along with the help of Fredrick the great she was soon to be marrying the future King of Russia, Peter III.

Wars and Battles

Biggest Misconceptions About European Knights And Crusaders

Biggest Misconceptions About European Knights And Crusaders

Here we list some of the biggest misconceptions that people had about European knights and crusdaers during the medieval period.
History Of British Battle Equipment Over 1000 Years

History Of British Battle Equipment Over 1000 Years

From 1066 to 2014, we have created a short gallery of images depicting the many items soldiers had to carry to war. 

Ancient History

You Must Know About the Most Advanced Item Of It’s Time,...

Discovery The Antikythera mechanism was discovered inside a shipwreck, 50 meters under water near the Greek Island of Antikythera. This shipwreck was found by a...

The Marian Army Reforms , What did Gaius Marius do to...

Gaius Marius Gaius Marius comes from a latin family, that lived  in a village close to the town of Arpinum. His parents didn't give him any...

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List of Dictatorships by Death Toll – The Top 10 Biggest Mass Killings in History

10. North Korean Crimes against humanity 1948-present North Korea continues to be one of the most repressive governments in the world with the world's lowest...

10 Common Medieval Soldier Types

1) Spearmen: As their name suggests, these types of infantry used spears most commonly combined with a shield, and were the most numerous medieval soilders...

How different were Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Vikings?

Today we refer to Viking Age Scandinavians generally as Vikings as though they were one group. But the people known as Vikings weren't an...

The Peculiar History of Ogham – 4 Origin Theories

Historians claim that the origin of the Ogham alphabet is estimated to have originated from the 4th century of the common era. There are theories...

American Civil War – Year 1862 – Part 1

In 1862, the northerners achieved the greatest success in the western theater of operations. In February and April, the army of General US Grant,...

The Brutal Military Tactics of the Mongols Make ISIS Look Like Child’s Play

Genghis Khan (1162 - 1227) is the man that led the notorious Mongol, and the man that later became the "Great Khan" of the...

The Catalan Company and How They Weakened the Byzantine Empire for Ottoman Conquest

The stare of the Byzantine Empire  No doubt that the restoration of 1261 significantly weakened Byzantine defensive power in Asia Minor. This weakened period of...

The Daily Life of a Byzantine Emperor

The Emperor and the Public  Due to the specific authority of the Byzantine Emperor, it is very difficult to describe his relationship with the general...

What Did Viking Warriors Wear In Order to Stay Warm in Those Cold North Winters?

The Vikings were Norse or Scandinavian people famous for being pirates, explorers, and merchants who raided and colonized areas in Europe. Norsemen used their...

How the Mongol Empire Rose to Power Will Make You Respect Them Even More

The Empire of Genghis Khan  The Empire of Genghis Khan, the greatest in extent the world has ever seen (it was six thousand miles from...

What Kind of Food Was Common Among the People in the Middle ages?

Back in the Middle Ages, there were very various types of food. Who you were, where you lived, and whether the harvest was good or...

The Marian Army Reforms , What did Gaius Marius do to change Rome ?

Gaius Marius Gaius Marius comes from a latin family, that lived  in a village close to the town of Arpinum. His parents didn't give him any...

The 7 Ways Medieval English Soldiers Were Recruited For Battle

Recruiting a soldier for battle is not the easiest task one can have, especially in the medieval ages. In a period where most were...

How A Poor Mongolian Soldier Became A General After Almost Killing Genghis Khan With An Arrow

The almighty Genghis Khan, the emperor of emperors, the man made of flesh and blood just like you and me. Whenever we fully admire somebody...

Tecpatl, The Story of the Sacrificial Knife That Was Used to Take Away a Human Heart

The Aztec culture is vast and complex, it has many traditions that are considered mysterious and taboo from our perspective. The Tecpatl  knife that...

Macuahuitl, The Aztec Weapon That Could Decapitate a Horse’s Head In One Swing

While reading the title you might think that this is made up...But here we are going to introduce you to the famous Aztec weapon...

Camelot’s Retreat – A Fantasy Medieval Mansion That You Could Buy

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